The GREEN RING PREMIUM+ cultivator (or ring harrow) is part of ROOTS-TILL technology, which is an innovative approach to tillage aimed at improving soil structure, increasing yields and reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
- The ring cultivator uses original working tools in the form of rings assembled in batteries.
- The batteries are arranged in two rows at an angle to the direction of travel of the machine, with the large bases of the rings facing forward.
- Original toothed wheels (Avers-Agro design)
- Interchangeable ring sections (Avers-Agro patent), which allows for quick and easy replacement of individual ring sections
- Destruction of at least 95% of weeds through pulling and separation.
- Formation of a soil wedge on the working edge of the rings, which prevents weeds from sliding and ensures that they are pulled out when the roller rotates.
- Effective pulling out of weeds without cutting, which is important to prevent re-rooting, especially for root-bearing plants.
- High weed kill rate of up to 98%, especially in the case of annual weeds.
- High quality leveling of the field surface in transverse direction.
- Efficient topsoil cultivation, including crumbling of clods and formation of a moisture-saving mulch layer.
- High productivity due to high working speed and low fuel consumption, ensuring high economic efficiency.
Dimensions in transport position LxWxH, m: 2,2х3х1,4
Weight: 1786 kg
Working speed up to 18 km/hour
Working depth: 3...7 cm
Working width: 3 m
Type of machine: mounted
Coupled with tractors from 80 hp.
The main applications of the GREEN RING PREMIUM+ cultivator include:
1. Weed destruction: The cultivator destroys weeds by pulling them out of the soil and preventing re-growth. This is particularly useful for controlling various types of weeds such as wheatgrass and thistle.
2. Leveling the field surface: It effectively levels the field surface transversely, which helps to create a more even surface for subsequent farming operations.
3. Soil crumbling: The cultivator breaks up soil clods and crumbles them, which helps to form a more loose and favorable soil layer for plants.
4. Forming a mulch layer: It also helps to form a moisture-saving mulch layer on the soil surface, which helps to retain moisture and maintain an optimal moisture regime for plants.
5. Time and fuel saving: With its high working speed and efficient fuel utilization, the GREEN RING cultivator ensures high productivity and economic efficiency in agricultural work.