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Tooth harrow ZBN-10

Tooth harrow ZBN-10

In stock
Article: 10009

Tooth harrow ZBN-10

In stock
Article: 10009
Tooth harrow ZBN-10 consists of a trailer coupling teeth of the harrows, which are equipped in single unit width of 10m (transport width 4.8 m)
The type of aggregation
Power tractor
not less than 80 hp
172 300 грн
156 700 грн
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Tooth harrow ZBN-10.

Designed for loosening top soil, leveling the surface of the field, the destruction of soil crust, crumbling of clods, the destruction of combing and weak-rooted weeds in grain crops and technical cultures seeding and fertilizerth.

Main nodes of the coupling are two supporting-driving wheels, three ramovic timber one – 4th, two at 3 m, supporting the transport beam with two support legs, transport drawbar with lock (pick-up) and small lock (coupler,) as well as the Parking leg. Harrows mounted on the hitch through a linkage rod (leashes) and chains, which allows each of the harrow independently to copy the field surface. The coupling is equipped with a hydraulic system, they have a transport and working position to ensure a good level of maneuverability during transport. 


Performance, ha/h


working speed, max, km/h


Transport speed, not more, km/h


working width, m




Depth processed (harrow BZTS-1.0 s – 42 kg) cm


the Number of sections of teeth harrows (BZTS-1.0 s – 42 kg), PCs


the Total number of teeth, PCs





width, m


height, m


Transport width, m


Weight unitand (with harrows BZTS-1.0 s), kg


Power of tractor engine, min, L. S.


attendants number


Harrowing of winter crops, pre-emergence harrowing spring cereals (wheat, barley, oats), pre-emergence harrowing corn, pre - and post-emergence harrowing, peas, soybeans.

Particularly effective pre-emergence harrowing.

Effect after applying teeth harrows:

  • Moisture accumulated in autumn-winter through early-spring closing of moisture.
  • Effective method of controlling weeds in the phase of white thread. 
  • Loosening the top layer of soil and remove any dead plants ' requirements for winter crops.
  • Destruction of the soil cover, which directly affects the harvest.
  • Air circulation in the soil.
  • Adjustment of the heat balance poverkhnostnogo soil.
  • Regulation of water balance.
  • Strengthening the growth of plants.

Treatment of the soil is at a depth of 3-8 cm gradacac after treatment sostavlyaet to 5 cm

Tined harrow with a working width of 10 m

Harrow tooth perfect for high-quality pre-emergence harrowing corn, soybeans, peas, barley, wheat, oats and other crops. Tooth harrow is used for harrowing of winter wheat and other crops. Agricultural tools developed by engineers Avers-Agro for the effective operation on the territory of Ukraine and neighboring countries. Soil treatment is carried out at a depth that varies from 3 to 8 cm.

Devices connected on the hitch with rods and chains. In the result, the equipment copies perfectly the surface of the soil. Coupler equipped with a hydraulic system. Equipment can be easily transported even over long distances (it has the transport position).

Our company offers to buy a harrow for teeth delivery to any location in Ukraine. The actual cost of the machinery listed on this page. Company Avers-Agro – manufacturer of agricultural implements, so we sell them at a reasonable price.

For which purpose the harrow teeth mounted?

Machinery allows to preserve the moisture in the ground that has accumulated in it over the fall and winter. During the treatment of soil are removed threadlike weeds, which in the future could hamper growth and ripening.

Technique efficiently loosens the upper layers and prepares the soil for growing winter crops. Harrow destroy the crust formed on the soil, and provide optimum air circulation.

Agriculture gives the possibility to regulate the water and temperature balance in the soil.

All the operational properties and parameters of equipment shown on this page. Our company sells harrows tined, the price of which is perfectly combined with their good technical characteristics.

Harrow teeth: the main operational advantages

Daisy model require low traction power and are easy to operate. They are not sensitive to soil moisture, therefore them apply autumn or spring. Teeth made from durable and high-strength materials. Model perfect:

  • for finishing the fields after cultivation or disking;
  • for weed control;
  • to eliminate the peel and the conservation of moisture;
  • for the preparation of a good seedbed for alfalfa, canola, wheat and other important crops.
  • harrow is used for pre-emergence harrowing barley, oats, wheat, peas, winter cereals, soybeans, corn and other crops.

using the technique preserve the moisture in the soil and kill unwanted weeds, which can lead to a decrease in yield on the field. Tooth harrow gives you the opportunity to prepare the soil for winter crops and get rid of the remnants of previously grown plants. After treatment of the soil it improves air circulation, normal water and thermal balances. All this leads to increased growth of planted crops.

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