Tillage complex strip-till Star Track with 8 sections.
The strip tillage unit using the strip-till technology is designed for strip loosening to the depth of the root layer with simultaneous application of fertilizers. This method of soil cultivation is gentle. The unit prepares optimal conditions for germination of seedlings, leaving untouched soil between the treated areas between the rows and preserving capillaries that improve moisture nutrition, which also contributes to the preservation of the soil ecosystem. The retained crop residual mulch in the aisle plays a positive role. The use of the unit contributes to:
natural preservation of soil fertility;
decrease in soil density;
reduction of erosion hazard (especially important in fields with slopes).
This unit is used for growing sunflower, corn, sugar beet, soybeans.
Advantages and design features of the strip-till Star Track tillage complex with 8 sections:
cutting of plant residues is performed by a disc, the roller of which is the support of the unit in operation
a row cleaner of 2 discs frees the strip from residues;
loosening knife - loosens the soil to a depth of 30 cm for introduction of mineral fertilizers into the loosening zone;
a pair of discs - prevent loose soil from spreading into the aisles, leaving behind a formed ridge of soil;
this ridge promotes soil heating and moisture drainage;
after the discs, a slatted roller is located, which closes moisture, destroys soil breasts, prepares the soil for sowing;
after the passage of the machine, row spacings remain on the surface of the field, protected by straw;
equipping with a dry fertilizer application system (optional).
Coverage, m ... 5.6
Maximum working depth, cm ... 20
Productivity, ha / hour ... 4
Maximum speed, km / h ... 18
Strip width ... 15-25
Unit weight, kg ... 4500
Tractor power, h.p. ... 240
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