Working width: 1m, 1.5 m, 2m, 2.5 m, 3M, etc.
In stock single or double:
Depth of processing: 3-5 cm
Drum diameter: 320 mm / 270 mm.
The number of knives drum: 8 PCs
The knife on the drums:
The location of the knives on the drum:
The shape of knives:
All rollers are equipped with universal brackets for attachment to various types of frames, allows you to operate the rink with various cultivators and harrows, as well as additional equipment spring or Daisy chain harrows.
the Bar-shaped rollers, mounted on cultivators and combined tillage aggregates for their working bodies (paws or disks). They are designed for leveling the field surface, lumps and soil compaction. The rods on the rollers can be round and rectangular cut. Rectangular plates are cut out jagged.