In stock cables of 1m, 1.5 m, 2m, 2.5 m, 3M etc 2 sections, 3 sections, 5 sections, 8 sections.
spring or tooth shades to choose from.
Option for combined concepts of tillage: cultivators, disc harrows. Equipped with 2-section trains destined for cleaning the soil from crop residues in front of the rollers.
Loops are mounted on universal mounting brackets rollers, with the possibility of adjustment of the angle of attack and height.
Changing the angle of attack of teeth and their vibration allows to loosen the soil surface to a depth of 2-8cm.
The placement of seeds and fertilizers scattered across the field or at the same time harrowing, with the help of additional equipment. Pre-provocation growth and destroy small weeds, the moisture, the provocation of weeds and tillage on fallow fields, the distribution of plant remains, a provocation of the weed and volunteer grain after the harvest.
Packing by lowering the frame and setting the minimum angle of attack teeth.